Learning about intelligent automation

Intelligent automation involves taking a machine taught to do simple, repetitive tasks and teaching it to adapt or correct its performance based on a lot of changing conditions.


Details of our plans

Enjoying valuable Web. Hosting, MySQL Database, Email Accounts and supporing FTP to install application program anytime

Plan RH2

HK$680 /yearly

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    10 Email Accounts
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    3GB Email Space (Shared)
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    2GB Web. Hosting Space
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    10GB Web. Traffic
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    NO Database Account
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    NO Database Space
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    1 FTP Account
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    POP3, IMAP, SMTP Supported

Plan RH5 **HOT**

HK$1,150 /yearly

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    10 Email Accounts
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    4GB Email Space (Shared)
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    3GB Web. Hosting Space
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    15GB Web. Traffic
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    1 Database Account
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    2GB Database Space
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    1 FTP Account
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    POP3, IMAP, SMTP Supported

Plan RH7

HK$1,680 /yearly

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    15 Email Accounts
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    6GB Email Space (Shared)
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    4GB Web. Hosting Space
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    20GB Web. Traffic
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    2 Database Account
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    3GB Database Space
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    1 FTP Account
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    POP3, IMAP, SMTP Supported

Step 1: Planning

We determing the direction of project, identify the relevance of the project to your company and prepare a road map for every action.


Step 2: Execution

At this stage, we will continuously refine and modify the project based on current situations with our experiences across a variety of business, IT and industrial settings.


Step 3: Maintenance

Review, document and archive records is the most. We will measure the success of your project.


Step 4: Control

Project control implements the verification and controlling process of the project and reinforces the objectives.

Need help? We're always here for you. Please send email to us for appointment


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